Mode: Distance
Study Period: up to 6 months
Course Code: ATSABU
Price before bursary:
Price after bursary:
Payment Plan
per month
[over 10 months]
Registration fee:
Course Overview
- Demonstrate an understanding of the internal and external business factors in budgets
- Understand why budgets are used
- Understand the skills needed in budget preparation
- Prepare forecasts and budgets
- Understand the impact that changes in the economic environment will have on the budget
- Use budgetary control to ensure organisational targets are met
Study period: up to 6 months
The course fees include a comprehensive textbook (electronic and print) which includes exercises and review questions. Students also have access to the atMyConnect portal for revision tests.
Each Module will be assessed through an online exam offered at an accredited examinations centre. Examination fees included (first attempt only, thereafter re-write fees apply)
Students who have successfully completed this study Module will receive a statement of results indicating the credits achieved. Credits achieved in this Module accumulate towards the Certificate: Accounting Technician (SAQA 80189, NQF level 5) awarded by the Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (FASSET). To ensure ongoing professional development, this qualification leads to Accounting Technician membership of SAICA.
Entry Requirements
Academy of York is accredited as an Academic Provider of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) to deliver the Accounting Technician qualifications. Academic Provider Number: ATAY0070/0223.
What our past students said
Bheki Makhubu
Johannes Adams